1 Introduction

1.1 Workflow

1.2 The lm Function


formula - Specification of our regression model

data - The dataset containing the variables of the regression

subset - An option to subset the data

na.action - Option that specifies how to deal with missing values

1.3 The formula Argument

  • Behind the scenes, OLS-estimation is linear algebra. E.g. The linear regression parameters are derived by \(\boldsymbol{\beta} = \boldsymbol{(X'X)^{-1}X'y}\)
  • In order to keep our interaction with R short and simple (and without linear algebra), R offers the formula method

We can write our models using the following syntax:

model = formula(regressand ~ regressors)

Where regressand is just our dependent variable / response usually denoted by \(y\) and model is our formula of independent variables / regressors, e.g.:

happy_model = formula(happiness ~ age + income + n_children + married)

We can construct formulas with the following syntax:

  • Adding variables with +
formula(y ~ a + b)
  • Interactions with :
formula(y ~ a + b + a:b)
  • Crossing: a * b is equivalent to a + b + a:b
formula(y ~ a + b + a:b) # and
formula(y ~ a*b) # are equivalent

  • Transformations with I()
formula(y ~ a + I(a^2)) # quadratic term must be in I() to evaluate correctly
formula(y ~ log(a)) # log can stay by itself
  • Include all variables in your data with .
formula(y ~ .) # is equivalent to
formula(y ~ a + b + ... + z) # for a dataset with variables from a to z
  • Exclude variables with -
formula(y ~ .-a ) # is equivalent to
formula(y ~ b + c + ... + z)# for a dataset with variables from a to z

1.4 The subset Argument

  • Sometimes, we want to run our model on a subset of our data
  • We can specify subsets of certain variables as follows:
   subset = age < 30)
  • Connect muliple subset arguments with logical operators:
   subset = age < 30 & height > 180)

Note that although this works, a best-practice is to subset your data prior to the estimation. By keeping these steps distinct, your code will be much easier for someone else to understand.

1.5 The na.action Argument

If the data contains missing values, lm automatically deletes the whole observation.

  • Specify na.action = na.fail if you want an error when the data contains missing values

Again, it is a best-practice to look for missing values in your data prior to the estimation to keep your code transparent.

  • You can use the missmap function from the Amelia package to get a nice visualisation of missing values in your data

1.6 Example Call of lm with Wage Data

wage_data <- read.csv2("data/offline/wages2.csv")

## 1  769    40  93     35   12    11      2  31       1     0     0     1
## 2  808    50 119     41   18    11     16  37       1     0     0     1
## 3  825    40 108     46   14    11      9  33       1     0     0     1
## 4  650    40  96     32   12    13      7  32       1     0     0     1
## 5  562    40  74     27   11    14      5  34       1     0     0     1
## 6 1400    40 116     43   16    14      2  35       1     1     0     1
m1 <- formula(WAGE ~ EDUC + EXPER)

model<- lm(formula = m1,
           data = wage_data)

1.7 Output of lm

The lm function returns a list. Relevant components of this list are:

  • call - the function call that generated the output
  • coefficients the OLS coefficients
  • residuals
  • fitted.values The estimates for our dpendent variable (WAGE)
  • model The model matrix used for estimation

The full list of outputs can be looked up via

  • ?lm()
  • str(model) where model is our saved output from lm
  • the $ operator and tab, e.g. model$...

Lets look up our coefficients \(\beta\), fitted values \(\hat{y}\) and OLS residuals \(\varepsilon\)

## (Intercept)        EDUC       EXPER 
##  -272.52786    76.21639    17.63777
model$fitted.values[1:7] # first 7 fitted values
##         1         2         3         4         5         6         7 
##  836.0843 1293.3826  988.5170  871.3598  812.7812 1193.8631  718.9270
model$residuals[1:7] # first 7 residuals
##          1          2          3          4          5          6 
##  -67.08427 -485.38260 -163.51705 -221.35981 -250.78119  206.13686 
##          7 
## -118.92703

We can visualise the results very simply with hist or plot:

hist(model$residuals, breaks = 30)

hist(model$fitted.values, breaks = 30)

1.8 Output of lm with the summary() function

## Call:
## lm(formula = m1, data = wage_data)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -924.38 -252.74  -40.88  198.16 2165.70 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -272.528    107.263  -2.541   0.0112 *  
## EDUC          76.216      6.297  12.104  < 2e-16 ***
## EXPER         17.638      3.162   5.578 3.18e-08 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 376.3 on 932 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1359, Adjusted R-squared:  0.134 
## F-statistic: 73.26 on 2 and 932 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

1.9 Display and Export Tables with stargazer()

stargazer::stargazer(model, type = "text", style = "asr" )
## -------------------------------------------
##                              WAGE          
## -------------------------------------------
## EDUC                       76.216***       
## EXPER                      17.638***       
## Constant                   -272.528*       
## N                             935          
## R2                           0.136         
## Adjusted R2                  0.134         
## Residual Std. Error   376.295 (df = 932)   
## F Statistic         73.260*** (df = 2; 932)
## -------------------------------------------
## *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001

1.9.1 Export Stargazer Output to File

                     type = "html",
                     out = "model.html")

1.10 Compare different Models

model2 <- lm(WAGE ~ EDUC + EXPER + IQ + SCORES, data = wage_data)
stargazer::stargazer(model, model2, type = "text", style = "asr")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
##                                          WAGE                      
##                               (1)                     (2)          
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## EDUC                       76.216***               47.472***       
## EXPER                      17.638***               13.733***       
## IQ                                                 3.795***        
## SCORES                                             8.736***        
## Constant                   -272.528*              -536.848***      
## N                             935                     935          
## R2                           0.136                   0.182         
## Adjusted R2                  0.134                   0.179         
## Residual Std. Error   376.295 (df = 932)      366.466 (df = 930)   
## F Statistic         73.260*** (df = 2; 932) 51.788*** (df = 4; 930)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001

Specify the folder and file were your table should be saved as "path/name.type"

  1. Output as .html : Open the file in your web browser and copy it into Word
  2. Output as .tex : Include in LaTeX

2 F-Test

2.1 Motivation of the F-Test

We can test for significance of single parameters with t-tests

  • E.g. we can test if EDUC has an influence on WAGE
  • We can see if the effect of EDUC changes when more variables are added

We can test for joint significance of a group of variables with F-tests

  • E.g. are work-related variables like TENURE, EXPER and SCORES significant, once we control for personal variables like IQ and EDUC
model3 <- lm(WAGE ~ IQ + EDUC, data = wage_data)
model4 <- lm(WAGE ~ IQ + EDUC + TENURE + EXPER + SCORES, data = wage_data)

2.2 Model Comparison

stargazer::stargazer(model3, model4, type = "text", style = "asr")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
##                                          WAGE                      
##                               (1)                     (2)          
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## IQ                         5.138***                3.697***        
## EDUC                       42.058***               47.270***       
## TENURE                                              6.247*         
## EXPER                                              11.859***       
## SCORES                                             8.270***        
## Constant                   -128.890               -531.039***      
## N                             935                     935          
## R2                           0.134                   0.188         
## Adjusted R2                  0.132                   0.183         
## Residual Std. Error   376.730 (df = 932)      365.393 (df = 929)   
## F Statistic         72.015*** (df = 2; 932) 42.967*** (df = 5; 929)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001

2.3 Procedure of the F-Test

  • Set up the models:
    • Restricted model: \(WAGE = \beta_0 + \beta_{1}IQ + \beta_{2}EDUC\)
    • Unrestricted model:

\(WAGE = \beta_0 + \beta_{1}IQ + \beta_{2}EDUC + \beta_{3}TENURE + \beta_{4}EXPER + \beta_{5}SCORES\)

  • State the Hypotheses that the joint effect of TENURE, EXPER and SCORES is zero:

\[ H_0: \beta_{3} = \beta_{4} = \beta_{5} = 0 \\ H_1: H_0 \text{ is not true}\]

Since OLS minimises the \(SSR\), the \(SSR\) always increases if we drop variables. The question is, if that increase is significant.

  • Calculate the test statistic:

\[ F = \frac{SSR_r - SSR_{ur}/q}{SSR_{ur} / (n-k-1)} \sim F_{q, n-k-1} \\ q = \text{number of restrictions} \\ k = \text{number of parameters}\]

If the \(H_0\) is true, our test statistic follows the \(F-Distribution\) and we can calculate p-values for our test.

2.4 F-Test in R

anova(model3, model4)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: WAGE ~ IQ + EDUC
##   Res.Df       RSS Df Sum of Sq      F    Pr(>F)    
## 1    932 132274591                                  
## 2    929 124032931  3   8241660 20.576 6.495e-13 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1